Friday, September 16, 2005


By J P Jain Sadhak
2005     225 x 145 mm     348 pp
81 7027 243 2     Hardcover  
This is a brilliant work explaining the overall teleological hierarchy of Jain doctrine and how it fits into the contemporary world.

The author examines the basic principles and philosophy and Jainism, tracing its antiquity from literary and archeological sources. It discusses Jain ethics highlighting the role of samyak darshana, rational perception, samyak, rational knowledge and samyak caritra, rational conduct. It evaluates anekanta, which synthesizes divergent views, syadvada, a system of relative _expression, and emphasises the importance of non-violence in all acts of mind speech and body.

The book further examines the nature of the self (ego), the characteristics of the bahiratma, antaratma and paramatma and complex relationship between karma pudgala, insentient matter, and self. The work concludes that the Jain concept of absolute undifferentiated consciousness that transcends the "cloud
of unknowing" is more realistic than the divergent viewpoints of Vedanta and Buddhism.

I recommend this work highly as a comprehensive textbook of Jainism.  A must read for both scholars and students.

The Contents read as under:
1.      The Antiquity of Jainism
2.      Conception of the Self
3.      Instincts, Emmotions and Passions
4.      Samyak Darshana : Enlightened World View
5.      Anekanta
6.      Ahimsa
7.      Aparigraha
8.      Moral and Spiritual Discipline
9.      Compassionate Living
10.      The Doctrine of Karma
11.      Liberation and Divinity
12.      Conclusion
Select Bibliography
Author Index
Title Index
Word Index
Subject Index


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